Police Benevolent Donates $10,000 To School District
SHEBOYGAN – The Sheboygan Police Benevolent Association (SPBA) has donated $10,000 to the Sheboygan Area School District (SASD) to help support kids in need. The donation will be used to replenish food and supply pantries at SASD schools, which are utilized by students and their families.
In December, the Police Benevolent board of directors became aware that a significant number of local families experience food insecurity, meaning the family lacks sufficient foods in the home to meet the nutritional needs of everyone in the household.
According to the SASD Social Worker Team, “This donation provides us the opportunity to go beyond providing just non-perishable food items, to providing meat, fruit, dairy, freezer items, and food that fits the student or family's living situation. With this donation, we are helping students move beyond worrying about basic needs to being able to focus on their academics and future goals.”
The SPBA is comprised of the sworn members of the Sheboygan Police Department. With monies raised through payroll dues, fundraisers, and donations, the SPBA supports a wide variety of youth-oriented programs and community outreach, and provides scholarships for high school seniors. For more information, visit their website: www.sheboyganpba.com.